
The Workshop

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Interfaith – Assimilation
Our Teachers Resource Guide will have questions for the class to respond to. For example: What speaks to you? Do you prefer Israeli pop or American music? Is it hard to overcome Language? Are their cultural barriers?

Below are some examples of what students created in previous workshops

Movie – Generations
Montage of Jewish family beginning as ultra-orthodox, then shaven beards, then with Yankee baseball cap, then with kids in mini-skirts, then with gentile wives, then with gentile family
Contrast Israel history
Montage of kibbutz family no beards, then small beards, then knitted kippas, then soldier with tzizit and large Jewish family.
Movie – From India to Jerusalem
Drama – Israeli boy with girlfriend from India meets her Indian friend who has a Jewish girlfriend. The non-Jewish partners initiate a conversation between the Jewish boy and girl; we discover that the non-Jews know more about Judaism than they do. The Jewish couple need to return to Israel because their visas are expired. They end up sitting next to each other on the plane and discuss bringing their boyfriend and girlfriend from India to Israel. In the end they discover that they may have more in common with each other.


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