Society Community

The Workshop

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Society Community
Our Teachers Resource Guide will have questions for the class to respond to. For example questions about Jewish response to drugs, crime. What are the advantages of Jewish society and learning?

Below are some examples of what students created in previous workshops

News Reports
Can Judaism offer a response to social issues; i.e. poverty, drugs? Are these issues a Jewish problem?
News Show: Point Counter Point
The “other” Judaism: Are there other ethnic or observing groups within Judaism who you would like to address?
News Show – Family Problems
Is divorce a problem in your community? How? What are jewish views on abortion or adoption?
Commercial: Torah – It’s Addictive!
Two kids on the street corner…psst – did you get it for me?..ya I have got the money..ya, its actually my allowance really hard up aren’t you..well..what can I hooked..anyway..its good that because of your connections you were able to get it for me at a discount..I appreciate it..ya no problem I think you are really going to like this…hurry give it to me I have to get back to pulls out from his jacket a small pocket kid looks at all of rashis commentary on the Talmud..thank u..this is prob..see u next week… what are you doing there?..nothing…
Voice over: ‘Torah – its addictive’
Ad for Jewish ethics – “just say no” type of campaign
Oprah or Jerry Springer style show: Various Social problems
Documentary with Interviews:
Interviews with various groups that help with Jewish poverty/drugs, i.e. Jewish agency, Bnei Brith. Dealing with issues in North America. What does the Jewish community do in response?Does Israel have the same issues?
Documentary on Jewish prisoners: Do Jewish religious organizations deal with this? What is Jewish rehabilitation? Israel: police stations and statistics on drug related arrests.


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